Imagine the house is clean, meals are planned, and homeschool flows. 

A day that you spend captivated by your children and laughing with your spose, just peacefully present.




Learn where to start and how to make fail proof systems and routines that last longer than a week. 



As a struggling homeschooling mom of 4, I learned that cookie cutter systems do not work.

Through training I was able to create systems in our home specifically catered to us. 


The Peaceful Presence is an online course that includes

  • 7 modules
  • 5 to 10 min videos 
  • Audio Mp3 files
  • Pdf workbook 
  • Additional resources
  • Facebook Community 


When you are no longer stressed out about the daily to do's, not only will you have better relationships in your home, but you'll be able to serve your community without being pulled thin. 

From Wendy:

Peaceful  Presence can be found when you are a good steward of your time. 



Make the most of your course:

Lifetime access and available online for peace of mind that you can have access anywhere anytime and go through the course as many times as you need. 
Short videos so that you can begin to implements as soon as possible. Audio mp3 files to allow you to listen while other task or as a refresher.
Workbook with notes, homework and digging deeper section to walk you through implementing each system and solidifying each step. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t wait! Take control of your life today.



Get access to the peaceful presence training course and begin seeing changes in your home.